PD (2,1)
1 Anderson & White's Ormanstar Keepasecret. Well grown curvy pale grey, standing on good feet and bone, shoulder well laid, moved easily and soundly for a puppy.
JD (3)
1 McKinnon's Almondbank Real Deal McNeill For Fingon. Lovely dark youngster in good coat and condition, typical galloping outine of balance and curves sweeping into drooped powerful quarters with correct hip to hock ratio, liked the way he stood four square naturally on such good angles ,bone and feet. Res CC.
2 McIntyre's Almondbank What A Boy McCoy. A brother to the winner and very similar type, longer cast in the loin and not the topline but a very nice male also.
3 Freeman's Lilac Wind Montgomery Clift To Glooscap.
PGD (2)
1 Sharp's Killoeter Skye. Strong male in very good coat and condition, long cast with a nice rise over the loin and fallaway to wide powerful quarters, good head, neck and front assembly, moved with exemplary parallel precision coming and going.
2 Freeman's Stranwith Roag At Glooscap. Different type in very good coat and condition, typical head with nice eye and well placed small ears, good feet and bone, not as mature as winner at this stage.
LD (3) 1
Constantine's Kaleginey The Forester. Very nice pale grey in first rate coat and condition. Well balanced with deep brisket and well sprung ribbing. Strongly coupled with a nice fallaway and good length from hip to hock. Nice masculine head and eye although ears could be smaller. Good forehand, bone and feet. Moved soundly in all directions, altogether a nice, typical hound
2 McCombe's Teviotdale Banner Blue. Another pale grey with a very nice outline and standing on good bone and feet, very nice head and eye, nice low hocks used to best advantage with a free easy action.
3 Morton & Morgan's Cotherstone Cold Steel.
OD (2)
1 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight Desperado. Quality hound with a classic head, neck and front, deep well ribbed body covered in a harsh, ragged coat with a nice rise over the loin and broad drooping quarters displaying width and power. Great strength apparent in both his neck and coupling. Moved with drive, soundness and ease, CC.
2 Davis and MacIntyre's Killoeter Quern At Cuillinmor, Heavily coated pale grey in very good hard condition, deep brisket and well sprung ribs, broad wide quarters with low hocks,well boned and good well knuckled feet, strong neck into a well laid shoulder.
PB (4)
1 Constantine's Kaleginy Antheia. Very nice free moving puppy. Good outline with nice rise over the loin and sweeping quarters. Good head, eye and forehand. Well boned and moved soundly and freely enjoying the experience putting in a very composed confident performance.
2 Ladd's Chulinn Lirienne. Beautiful puppy behaving so badly! Very feminine, well grown, typical. Lovely outline and quality throughout but refused to co-operate. One to watch.
3 Monteith's Ardneish Padraigin.
JB (2)
1 Finnett & Heatcote's Hyndsight Mandolin Wind. Stunning youngster. Immensely powerful but feminine with a wonderful curving frame to go over. Powerful neck and sweeping quarters, bookend, a body of depth and balance covered in a steel hard dark jacket. Great width and drive behind and in excellent muscular condition. A little special I felt. CC and BOB.
2 Monteith's Ardneish Padraigin. Still a puppy, nice type with sweet head and eye, moved very freely on good feet and bone, long cast with good tail carriage and attitude.
PGB (3, 2)
1 Heap's Leoch Juniper At Fintalloch. Very nice typical hound in outstanding rich coat and condition. Good bone and forehand with well laid shoulder and return of upper arm. Quality head and eye with nice length in foreface. Deep body with strong loin and gentle rise to fall away. Nice parallel movement with no exaggeration.
2 Lindsay's Celticmoon Shadow Huntress At Silverthyme. Taller girl, feminine with galloping outline, good coat and condition with good bone and feet. Nice type but not as positive or composed on the move as the winner.
LB (5, 3)
1 Robertson's Chuilinn Berengaria. Lovely typical quality hound, classic outline, very feminine head, in wonderful coat of harsh texture covering a deep body and sweeping quarters, fluid, free movement gained her the Res CC.
2 Smart's Kessoch Marsco Of Greysteil. Another quality exhibit, very feminine rangey bitch with typical galloping conformation, good length hip to hock, moved soundly coming and going but not quite the enthusiasm of the winner or depth of brisket.
3 Swanson's Cotherstone Brogue At Altimarlach.
OB (4)
1 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight Because The Night. Balanced, well made bitch of strength and quality, excellent coat and condition, good shoulder and forehand, good hip to hock length with width and power, strongly coupled and balanced, parallel width and drive on the move.
2 Robertson's Chuillin Windflower. Different type in very good coat and condition, very good head and forehand construction, deep strong body with gentle correct topline, everything balanced and composed on the move.
3 Morton & Morgan's Chuillin Ballad.